

Platforms Vs. Experiences » Publishing 2.0

"Dave Winer and many others don’t like that Apple’s iPhone is a closed device, which doesn’t allow you to change the software or use other software. While I can appreciate how frustrating it must be for people like Dave with the skill and desire to customize their tech products to better suit their needs, they are a tiny minority. The reality is that Apple is not in the business of creating platforms ― they are are in the business of creating experiences. The iPod was so wildly successful because it was ― from the perspective of millions of people ― a great experience, and the iPhone promises to be as well."



One-size-fits all is tough proposition, because one size will never fit all ― but Apple has a talent for fitting MORE people EXTREMELY well than almost any other tech company. I’d much prefer Apple focus on creating great experiences than on supporting a developer community who might pull them in a thousand different directions.



プラットフォーム vs ユーザエクスペリエンス

みんなでガシガシ vs 俺様に任せとけ

テール vs ヘッド

標準化 vs 独自仕様



